Mahzor Returns
If you borrowed a mahzor for High Holiday services, please return it to the office as soon as possible.
Office hours are Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. Thank you.

Click here to view our complete High Holy Days
and Fall Festival Schedule.

Lulav & Etrog
Enhance your celebration of Sukkot by fulfilling the mitzvah of lulav and etrog. Place your order by contacting the office (717-232-4851 or by September 15th.
Cost is $55. Please make checks payable to Chisuk Emuna Congregation, or click to here and designate “lulav”.
Rosh Hashanah Sermons

Mahzor Pickup
Our High Holiday services will be held in-person as well as on Zoom for those who are not comfortable attending in person.
For those joining us on Zoom, mahzors (high holiday prayer books) and Memorial books for Yizkor on Yom Kippur may be borrowed. You may sign out books by calling the office at 717-232-4851 to schedule a time to pick up during the week.
Office hours are Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. Thank you.

Mishloach Manot/
Purim Package Project
We are pleased to launch this year’s Mishloach Manot/Purim Package Project with the theme of “Orange You Glad It’s Purim?”! For just $12 per recipient, you can send a mishloach manot bag to anyone on our membership list. Better yet, at an incredible discount, you can send to the entire congregation for just $275!
For more information, please contact the office at 717-232-4851 or
Orders must be placed by:
February 24th.

Drive-by Chanukah Menorah Tour!
Participants will drive-by homes in Forest Hills (addresses will be provided upon RSVP) and view the menorahs that will be lit in the windows. There may even be some individually-wrapped treats for the children to bring home!​

Purchase Siddur
$45 per gently used prayerbook from our synagogue.
Free delivery by volunteer congregants, to anywhere in the Greater Harrisburg area.
This siddur contains all Shabbat and Festival services and can be used for weekday services.

Instructions for online purchase:
Click button below to access form.
Type "Siddur" in the destination field.
Type "45.00" in the amount field.
Complete purchase.
Or contact the synagogue office at 717-232-4851 or

Thanks to all for making our Mishloach Manot project a huge success!
Click the white arrow on the right to see dozens more pictures of our congregational deliveries.
Honey from the Heart
Wish family, friends and business associates a Sweet and Happy New Year with an 8 oz. gift jar of kosher honey. Your purchase benefits Chisuk Emuna!
The cost is $14 per jar, including shipping to anywhere in the USA if ordered before July 7th. (Note: special shipping fees apply for orders going outside the US and to military addresses. A $5.50 per jar shipping surcharge applies after July 7th.)

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Jennifer Lench (; (717) 497-1178) or Nancy Simmons (; 717-512-05612.​

Lulav & Etrog
Enhance your celebration of Sukkot by fulfilling the mitzvah of lulav and etrog. Place your order by contacting the office (717-232-4851 or by August 27th.
Cost is $55. Please make checks payable to Chisuk Emuna Congregation, or click to here and designate “lulav”.

Simchat Torah
Erev Simchat Torah - Tuesday, Sept 28th
Simchat Torah - Wednesday, Sept 29th
Click here to view our complete Fall Holiday schedule, and join one of our virtual services.