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Monthly Community Food Packing Initiative

Monday, September 11th

4:00 pm at Chisuk Emuna

Join the Chisuk Emuna volunteers who, along with our friends from Journey Church, pack hundreds of emergency food bags for homeless shelters in Harrisburg.


Click here to see a recent ABC-27 profile of our food packing initiative.

Many of our services are offered both in-person and on Zoom.


Click the underlined event titles

to join our services virtually.


No registration required for regular Shabbat services. Vaccination and masks required in the shul for all over 12 years old. Masks required for all over 2 years old.

Click the underlined event titles

to join our virtual services.


Or click here to download the call-in information if you would like to participate by phone.

Talmudic Personalities: Get to Know the Rabbis
Open to all adult learners.

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Wednesdays, 11:00am

December 1st, 8th, 15th

January 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th​


When we say, “the rabbis” of the Talmud, who are we talking about? What stories do we tell about them and what can we learn from them? How does a religious leader’s personality drive or hinder their impact in the world?


Study together with your Beth El and Chisuk Emuna community, led by Rabbi Ron Muroff and Rabbi Ariana Capptauber. This course was designed by Rabbi Tali Adler, a graduate of Yeshivat Maharat and a faculty member at Hadar.

On Zoom, link provided upon RSVP to Patty Brown or call 717-232-0556 for more information.

Shabbat Virtual Gatherings


Gan Shabbat

for young families

Fridays at 5:00pm

Kabbalat Shabbat

Fridays at 6:30pm

Shabbat Morning Service

Saturdays at 10:00am


Taking leave of

Shabbat together.

Saturday at 8:30pm

Bat Mitzvah of Lilah Krevsky!

Saturday, October 23rd​


Mazel tov to Lilah Krevsky, her parents, Sol and Katy, and her family and friends as we celebrate her becoming a Bat Mitzvah. All are invited to join in this sweet simcha on Zoom. 


From the 'Burg to Burj Khalifa: Strengthening a Jewish Community in Dubai


with Reva Gorelick


Thursday, April 29th, 8:00 pm


Rebroadcast of the recent Sunday Chat with Reva Gorelick, talking from Dubai about her work with the Jewish Community of the Emirates.

Weekday Gatherings of Prayer and Learning


Mon, Wed and Thurs evenings
7:15pm via Zoom

  • Poetry Sundays

  • Prayer Mondays

  • Wednesday Evening Chats

  • Parsha Thursdays

Singing Community


Tuesday, Nov 29th, 7:45pm

(following minyan at 7:15pm)


All voices welcome!​


There is transformative power in song and in prayer. Join us in person as we sing prayers, songs and niggunim (wordless melodies) together. All voices are welcome!

Learn How to Lead Kabbalat Shabbat with Carl Shuman!
Open to all adult learners.


Sunday mornings, at 11:15 am 

for 6 weeks, beginning October 31


Kabbalat Shabbat is a lovely and relatively short service that ushers in Shabbat on Friday evening. We will explore and learn a variety of tunes during the six Sunday one hour sessions. Our Gesher students are also learning the Kabbalat Shabbat service under the guidance of Mandy Cheskis and our talented Gesher faculty. Our hope is that over time more congregants, both young and young-at-heart, will feel comfortable leading and participating in this beautiful and meaningful service. To assist participants, we will be taping and posting the service on Chisuk Emuna's webpage to help reinforce what participants learn in class.


RSVP to Susan Sussman at or 717-232-4851. 

Get ready for Spring!

Hershey Garden's Tour

Sunday, March 20th, at 2:00pm

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Join your Chisuk Emuna family for a tour of the beautiful Hershey Gardens. Meet at the Gardens on the patio at the front door, 170 Hotel Road, Hershey PA at 2:00 pm.


Transportation as well as ticket cost is on your own. Discounted ticket prices are as follows:


Regular (ages 13-61) $10

Senior (ages 62+) $9

Junior (agest 3-12) $8

Children ages 2 and under are FREE


Purchase tickets online or on site the day of event. Participants are encouraged to download the map as no paper maps are available.


Masks are required to be worn outside while touring. Questions? Contact Jennifer Lench at

Congregational Hike now at **Fort Hunter Park**

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Sunday, December 4th

2:00 pm

Please join us for the last walk of 2022! Meet at Fort Hunter Park, 5300 N. Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17110. Coming from the shul, make your first left into the parking lot which is adjacent to the river. 


Questions? Contact Jennifer Lench at or 717-497-1178.

Deadline Extended!
Orders now due Mon, Feb 21!

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Learn How to Read Hebrew, Improve your Hebrew Reading, and Chant from the Torah
Open to all adult learners.

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Mandy Cheskis, Gesher Director of Lifelong Learning, continues with the second trimester of classes for Chisuk Emuna and Beth El Temple adults. 


Monday nights

7-7:45 pm Hebrew

8-8:45pm Torah Trope


Trimester 2 - Zoom only

January 3, 10, 24, 31​

February 7, 14


For more information, please contact Mandy Cheskis at or 717-649-4220.

This Week, Dec 18-24

Chisuk Emuna continues to meet virtually through the online video conferencing site, Zoom.  Please see below or explore this homepage to join one of our many gatherings. 

Friday 18  

4:00pm | Kabbalat Shabbat Service

Candlighting 4:23pm


Saturday 19 

10:00am | Shacharit / Morning Service. This service is being sponsored by Nancy & Zach Simmons in honor of their 37th wedding anniversary. Mazel tov! 

5:45pm | Havdallah

7:15pm | Evening Learning Gathering and Shiva for the family of Herman Gordon, of blessed memory.


Sunday 20 

9:30 - 11:00am | Gesher School

10:00am | Chisuk Emuna Chat a Discussion on Adoption.

11:30am - 12:30pm | Hebrew Comprehension Course with Rabbi Ilyse Kramer. 

11:30am - 12:30pm | Course for Prayer Leaders with Carl Shuman. 

7:15pm | Evening Learning Gathering.


Monday 21 

5:00pm | Shiva for the family of Harvey Danowitz, of blessed memory.

7:15pm | Evening Learning Gathering and Shiva for the family of Herman Gordon, of blessed memory.


Tuesday 22 

9:00am | Shacharit / Morning Service.

5:00pm | Shiva for the family of Harvey Danowitz, of blessed memory.

7:15pm | Evening Learning Gathering and Shiva for the family of Herman Gordon, of blessed memory.


Wednesday 23 

11:00am - 12:15pm | Gesher Adult Education. Beyond Dispute, Debates that shape Jewish Life with Rabbis Ariana Capptauber and Ron Muroff. 

4:45pm | Gesher School

5:00pm | Shiva for the family of Harvey Danowitz, of blessed memory.

7:15pm | Evening Learning Gathering and Shiva for the family of Herman Gordon, of blessed memory.


Thursday 24 

5:30pm | Brotherhood Spaghetti Dinner and Concert with Cantor Marcos Askenazi accompanied by Carl Shuman.

7:15pm | Evening Learning Gathering and Shiva for the family of Harvey Danowitz, of blessed memory.

Evening Chat

Singing Community


Alternate Tuesdays, 7:30pm


Immediately following Virtual Prayer Gatherings

with the same Zoom link:  click here to join the meeting.


All voices welcome!​


Next gatherings:

May 5th and 19th

Jewish Mindfulness and Meditation Practice

Sunday, May 22, 10:00 am

Rabbi Myriam Klotz of the
Institute for Jewish Spirituality


Chisuk Emuna Tribute Cards

Chisuk Emuna tribute cards and stationery cards are now available for purchase in the synagogue office. With 12 cards/pack, each box features 6 beautiful photographs of our synagogue building, donor wall, Torah mantles and ark. The boxes are $36.00 each, and all proceeds benefit Chisuk Emuna. The next time you are sending a birthday card, sympathy card, or wishing someone a mazel tov, use a Chisuk Emuna tribute card instead, and support our shul.


To purchase a pack of cards, please click here and put "Tribute Cards" in the "Destination" field, or contact Susan Sussman at the office: 717-232-4851.

Thank You!

Over 50 people of all ages joined in the fun at Chisuk Emuna’s 2nd Annual Ice Cream Social! 


Ice cream with toppings, banana splits and ice cream cones were the draw, but Rabbi Muroff’s shofar blowing, story time, outdoor games like Four Square and drawing with chalk kept people at the shul for the afternoon.


It was lovely to see old friends and meet new members. Thanks to all the volunteers who made the day a great success!

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Passover Themed Learning Sessions

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Sundays and Mondays, at 7:15pm on Zoom.

In preparation for Passover, we will explore the 15 steps of the Pesach Seder. 


Sunday, 4/10 \ After the Seder Meal: Tzafun, Barech, Hallel, Nirtza

Monday, 4/11 \ Making a Memorable Seder

Sisterhood Book Discussion

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Sunday, January 8th​

10:00 am on Zoom

open to all


The Sisterhood's next book selection is The Thread Collectors by Shaunna J. Edwards and Alyson Richman. "The Thread Collectors by Shaunna J. Edwards and Alyson Richman is the original story of a Black woman in New Orleans and a Jewish woman in New York, both of whom are fighting for the cause of freedom and Union victory through their needlework during the Civil War." —Pam Jenoff, New York Times bestselling author of The Woman with the Blue Star.

Chisuk Emuna 
Chats​ ARchive

Missed a Chat?


Browse our list of recorded programs!

Singing Community


Following Kiddush on Shabbat mornings: 

Apr 15

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All voices welcome!​

New Display

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To help celebrate Israel's 75th Anniversary, we invite you to view the mementos, documents, photos and other items that have been collected to commemorate this milestone. They are now on exhibit in the Synagogue lobby thanks to Marty Brill and others. Marty will narrate a brief "tour" of these objects at the Brotherhood Spring Program (see event box below), and at kiddush following Shabbat morning services on May 6.

Beginner Hebrew Reading Classes

Taught by Mandy Cheskis, Director of Lifelong Learning

Spring into Learning Hebrew

(Adult beginner class)

Mar 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

Apr 20, 27 | May 4, 18


The class is taught at 8pm on Zoom and is free to our members. We do ask that you register with Patty at Beth El Temple at 717-232-0556 or After you register, you will receive a Zoom link for classes.

Spring Program

Stay tuned for further details.

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Join us for light refreshments and personal reflections on Israel as we celebrate Israel's 75th birthday. More details on this program are forthcoming. 

RSVP to Rick Rubin at 

or 717-236-3941.

Monthly Community Food Packing Initiative

Monday, September 11th

4:00 pm at Chisuk Emuna

Join the Chisuk Emuna volunteers who, along with our friends from Journey Church, pack hundreds of emergency food bags for homeless shelters in Harrisburg.


Click here to see a recent ABC-27 profile of our food packing initiative.

Monthly Community Food Packing Initiative

Monday, Feb 19th at 4:00pm

at Chisuk Emuna

Join the Chisuk Emuna volunteers who, along with our friends from Journey Church, pack hundreds of emergency food bags for homeless shelters in Harrisburg.


Questions? Contact Mark Glick.

Here's some pics of the children performing a Mitzvah by helping to fill food packages on Sunday, January 21st! Thank you everyone!

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Introducing our new

Shabbat Chapel Minyan!

Saturday, May 18th, 11:00 AM

Do you have a preference for a shorter Shabbat service, that is mostly in English, and involves more group discussion?  Then our Shabbat Chapel Minyan may be a good fit for you!


Please join us on Saturday, May 18th, at 11:00 AM for our first ever lay-led alternative Shabbat experience.  We will meet in the chapel for one hour, and then will join others from the main sanctuary service at noon for kiddush in the Social Hall.


The first Chapel Minyan will have a little singing and meditation, a discussion of the Torah portion, and will conclude with a few traditional prayers from the regular service. 


The Chapel Minyan is a work in progress - we welcome feedback, and other suggestions of what participants may be looking for. 


Please contact Lisa Plotkin or Maggie Grotzinger if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you in shul! 

Glasses Donation


Mary Klaus is a medical missionary and friend of Chisuk Emuna. She is collecting used eyeglasses for distribution to those in need during upcoming medical trips. We have a box on the right in the Lobby for you to drop off any used eyeglasses you may have that are no longer needed.


Thank you.

Monthly Community Food Packing Initiative

Monday, November 11th

4:00 pm at Chisuk Emuna

Beginning in January of 2022, the Community Food Pack Initiative (CFPI), a STAT program, has supplied over 13,000 non-perishable food bags to the shelters and homeless of Harrisburg. These bags are packed monthly through the work and dedication of both CE members, as well as other members of our community. Since its inception, the food supplies used to pack these bags have been free, supplied by the Midwest Food Bank here in Harrisburg.


Unfortunately, Midwest Food Bank has not been able to obtain adequate amounts of the types of products we need. We will now also be obtaining supplies through the Central Penn Food Bank. Unlike the Midwest Food Bank, these supplies come at a cost. The estimated cost of this program will be about $2,300 annually.


Please consider supporting this important program by making a financial donation.

Checks can be made out to Chisuk Emuna. It is very important that in the memo field you write “donation for Community Food Pack Initiative” or “donation for food bag packing” in order to appropriately target your donation. Any donation is helpful and greatly appreciated.


Please join Chisuk Emuna volunteers along with other members of our community to help pack emergency food bags for homeless shelters in Harrisburg.​

Talmudic Personalities: Get to Know the Rabbis
Open to all adult learners.

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Wednesdays, 11:00am

December 1st, 8th, 15th

January 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th​


When we say, “the rabbis” of the Talmud, who are we talking about? What stories do we tell about them and what can we learn from them? How does a religious leader’s personality drive or hinder their impact in the world?


Study together with your Beth El and Chisuk Emuna community, led by Rabbi Ron Muroff and Rabbi Ariana Capptauber. This course was designed by Rabbi Tali Adler, a graduate of Yeshivat Maharat and a faculty member at Hadar.

On Zoom, link provided upon RSVP to Patty Brown or call 717-232-0556 for more information.

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